York College Men’s Center’s Male Initiative Program
For seven years, Bill Burgess has been involved with York College Men’s Center’s Male Initiative Program, which provides support and leadership opportunities for all under-represented populations, particularly male students. Its corner stone is a mentoring program that encourgages faculty, staff and students to serve as “Each One, Reach One” mentors. Students last year established the Beta Chapter of Pi Eta Kappa, an academic fraternity and honor society that includes 21 men who maintain at least a 3.5 grade point average while volunteering as mentors.
Thanks to funding from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, the Male Initiative Program has also partnered with the Department of Education, Counseling in Schools and Camp Vacamas, to provide academic support and positive role models to middle and high school students who receive homework help and more.
“We are truly proud of these young men”, said York College Male Initiative Program Director Jonathan Quash, “and my hope is that they choose to pursue their education here at York.”
The program also runs the popular, monthly Barbershop forum, a chance for students to express their opnions on important issues in an informal social setting.
Bill Burgess received York College Men’s Center’s “Outstanding Service and Contributions Award” in 2008.