Diversity Recruiting and Training

Thoroughness and discretion are fundamental to

In response to the advent of a global marketplace and the impact of massive changes for Corporate America in the 1990s with excessive downsizing and rightsizing, early retirements, and general uncertainty, The Burgess Group developed a specialty executive search practice that addresses these issues in relation to mid and senior-level diversity recruiting.

The Diversity Resources Planning Program (DRP)© assists human resources executives and line management with implementing corporate mission statements which further strategic diversity within their workforce. In recent years, this critical segment has seen a disproportionate erosion of minority, female, and physically challenged professionals within its ranks.

First and foremost, a well-managed and successful corporate diversity program begins with recognition and commitment to the need. The existence of barriers in the corporate environment in many instances thwarts corporate diversity. These preconceived issues (i.e. lack of priority and time, too few highly technical and specialized backgrounds, cost and bottom line objections) are addressed and resolved through the execution of The Burgess Group’s DRP Program.

Where there is an absence of specific job openings, a thorough consulting and research effort is conducted in concert with the client. Only by understanding the company and its corporate culture can we collectively identify and target specific areas within the company in need of diversity. This effort can be conducted either in advance or concurrent with human resources identifying positions where strategic, long-term diversity professional placements should and will be implemented.

Upon client authorization to initiate Diversity Resources Planning with a formal monthly retainer contract, The Burgess Group launches a nationwide examination of industry sources, networks, and associations where highly credentialed individuals are identified. This original research is conducted confidentially and solely for the specific needs of each client. Once identified, The Burgess Group will prepare extensive dossiers on these qualified individuals, as well as providing monthly progress reports of ongoing discussions and assessment activities. The number of potential candidates presented each month is established and outlined in the contract. The fee arrangement is based on not only this criterion but includes an analysis of the complexity and overall assignment objectives. When agreed upon by the client and The Burgess Group, interviews are arranged for informational exchanges between the potential candidate and client company executives. The Burgess Group assists with determining the appropriate structure, timing, and participants for these interviews.

As a result of these informational exchanges, all parties benefit. The Burgess Group has found that the participants can speak openly to a wide array of common issues and goals concerning employment opportunities. This is achieved without the customary pressures involved when an actual job position exists. If during the DRP program process positions become available and an individual becomes a candidate for a specific position, The Burgess Group assists the client and the candidate in developing a formal position analysis. This role continues through the offer and acceptance process. At the time of hire, a mutually agreed percentage of the billed retainer is applied against the standard executive search fee.

Diversity Resources Planning provides our clients with a proven methodology for strategic external succession planning through the creation of an exceptional talent pipeline. DRP is a proactive approach that enhances employee retention and company inclusiveness through a process of professional development with meaningful mentoring and relationship building.

As with our traditional executive search activity, the success of our work is based upon the positive contributions our placements bring to client organizations. The Diversity Resources Planning program is designed to accomplish this goal as a strategic partner to our clients who seek a competitive edge in these challenging times for our global marketplace.