Executive Search

Connect with us, your single source to identify exceptional


Hello Potential Clients and Candidates:

In 1994, The Burgess Group – Corporate Recruiters International, Inc., was established as a retainer-based executive search and management consulting firm with offices in New York, Connecticut, and Alabama. The Burgess Group has a proven record of successfully completed searches.

Over the years, as President and Owner, I have distinguished myself as a generalist mid to senior-level management executive recruiter with well-known traditional search firms. Nationally, The Burgess Group has considered a full-service leader in diversity consulting, recruiting, retention, and training programs tailored for your company’s needs from mid-level to the boardroom.

We have and continue to provide our premier services to major corporations in the consumer product goods and services industry as well as non-profit institutions, foundations and organizations domestically and internationally. Upon request, we can provide to our prospective clients, our confidential, all-inclusive list of clients for review and consideration.

The Burgess Group has distinguished itself from other executive search firms in the following ways:

For all search assignments, we guarantee our clients the best-qualified candidate slate, which will be representative of the U.S. and global populations.

We offer Diversity Resources Planning (DRP)©. DRP was developed as an external succession planning methodology. This program is a proactive approach to furthering strategic diversity from mid to senior levels, including the Board of Directors of your corporation.

For every search, we will introduce benchmark candidates on or before the third week. In addition, we guarantee our selected candidate(s) for one (1) year and we will follow up with you and the successful candidate(s) for one year.

We will conduct targeted searches in the same time frame and costs as traditional searches.

We will extend the economy of clustering any additional hires below our normal 33 1/3 fees.

We provide industry-specific diversity training at all levels.

We provide human resources development and management consulting services.

We believe these are value-added guarantees and if you agree, we would like to partner with you and your company in fulfilling all of your search requirements. We have distinguished ourselves in financial services; sales and marketing; construction, project management, architecture, facilities, and real estate development; engineering and manufacturing operations; healthcare; procurement; security and human resources; information technology and legal services. Let us work together to establish a mutually beneficial business partnership. Pass the baton to the search firm that specializes in the best qualified and diverse executive workforce for the 21st century!


William H. Burgess, III
President & CEO